
This disclaimer applies to your use of beliv8motion.com as well as any content, features, and services provided on or through beliv8motion.com (the “Websites“), whether you are a registered user or a guest. It is accompanied by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Before using the website, please carefully read the Disclaimer. You accept and agree to be bound by the Disclaimer by using the Website or by clicking the button to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when it is made available to you. You are not permitted to access or use the Website if you disagree with the Disclaimer. Please take time to carefully read them.

  • The User understands that there is risk involved in using the Beliv8 Motion Studio website. Beliv8 Motion Studio disclaims any liability for the functionality and performance of this website. Moreover, Beliv8 Motion Studio further disclaims all express and implied warranties and representations regarding the data, programs, books, products, services, materials, contents, and documents featured on or accessible through this website. Beliv8 Motion Studio disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • Regarding the degree to which the Services will meet the User’s needs or be error-free, timely, secure, or uninterrupted, Beliv8 Motion Studio makes no guarantees.
  • Beliv8 Motion Studio and/or its respective suppliers make no warranties or representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, absence of viruses or other harmful components, or accuracy of the information, software, products, services, and related graphics contained on Beliv8 Motion Studio’s sites/services for any purpose. All such information, software, products, services, and associated visuals are supplied “as is” with no warranty of any kind. Beliv8 Motion Studio and/or its respective suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, software, products, services, and related graphics, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, workmanlike effort, title, and non-infringement. Beliv8 Motion Studio makes no expressed or implied representations or assurances on the accuracy, dependability, or quality of any information supplied or received over Beliv8 Motion Studio’s website and services. Beliv8 Motion Studio shall not be liable in any way for any data loss that occurs for any cause, including service interruption, suspension, or termination of the Service.
  • Beliv8 Motion Studio will not be held liable for any revelation of details about a User’s account or other personal information, or for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information disclosed. Furthermore, Beliv8 Motion Studio shall bear no responsibility for any loss or harm resulting from such disclosure, whether made deliberately or unknowingly. All information is taken in good faith, and Beliv8 Motion Studio accepts no responsibility for the User’s accuracy in any way.
  • Beliv8 Motion Studio is not liable or accountable for the quality of the Services, any misrepresentation, liability, or problem caused by third-party service providers that the User accesses from outside the Beliv8 Motion Studio network.
  • The User is responsible for ensuring that while using the Service, they strictly adhere to all current and applicable laws, rules, and regulations, whether directly or indirectly linked to the usage of systems, services, or equipment. Beliv8 Motion Studio will not be held liable for the User’s failure to comply with any such laws, rules, or regulations.
  • The User shall not infringe on Beliv8 Motion Studio’s subsidiary or intellectual property rights. In the event of a violation, the User must promptly notify Beliv8 Motion Studio.
  • The User understands that it is against Beliv8 Motion Studio’s policy to exercise editorial or supervisory control over, alter, or amend any data, email content, or posting of information that may be inserted, made accessible, or transferred to a third party on or through the Beliv8 Motion Studio website. The User acknowledges and agrees that Beliv8 Motion Studio reserves the sole right to accept or reject any artwork, materials, information, or content of any data, information, or posting in order to comply with the applicable legal framework and/or moral obligations placed on Beliv8 Motion Studio, as well as to avoid violating any third party’s rights and/or other rules and/or standards.
  • The User accepts and is responsible for the risks associated with dealing with individuals who may be acting under false pretenses. Beliv8 Motion Studio does not screen, censor, or otherwise control the Users of its service, and the website serves as nothing more than a venue for listings provided by other users. Beliv8 Motion Studio is unable to control how users behave on its website. It is critical that the User use caution while communicating with third parties or other users on this website. Beliv8 Motion Studio does not accept or claim ownership of the User’s comment’s context or content.
  • The Users acknowledge that Beliv8 Motion Studio bears no responsibility for any issues that may develop between the Users of this website. If a dispute arises between the User and another User or participant, the User agrees not to bring any claims, demands, or damages (actual or consequential) of any kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected to such disputes and/or the Beliv8 Motion Studio service, against Beliv8 Motion Studio, its officers, employees, or agents.
  • This website may contain connections to third-party websites (“linked sites”). You accept that when you click on a link to a linked site, a frame may appear containing the Beliv8 Motion Studio logo, ads, and/or otherBeliv8 Motion Studio-selected material. You acknowledge that Beliv8 Motion Studio and its sponsors do not promote or are affiliated with the linked site, and that they are not liable for any content on the linked site, any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or additions to such sites. You also understand that Beliv8 Motion Studio is merely offering these links to you as a convenience.

The Site may contain (or direct you to) connections to other websites or content owned or created by third parties, as well as links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. We do not examine, monitor, or verify the accuracy, sufficiency, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any external connections.

We do not represent, endorse, guarantee, or accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information provided by third-party websites linked to from the site, or any website or feature referenced in any banner or other advertising. We will not participate in or be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party product or service providers.

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